Monday, September 11, 2017

Trip to Cilegon

Several weeks ago, early one morning, I traveled out to the plant site with B. I took with me all manner of stuff to block mosquito access into his apartment at the Mambruk where he stays several nights a week. My "repair" kit included several types of window and door stripping, a bottom of the door sweep, a newly purchased hacksaw to cut it to size, tuille to tape over the window screen in the bathroom ( too long a story to detail here). B and our driver Oky think I am a curse on the trip. The trip out for B usually takes no longer than 1.5 hours. Our trip on this morning 3+ hours.
This is where we first encountered a problem. An accident in front of us. Traffic is heading in the same direction in both lanes at this point. We diverted. See the tiny little access with two scooters on it? We turned as well, along with tons of other vehicles—cars and scooters.
 It was ok at first.

 Tiny little passageway!
A couple of nice views!

I think the next photo was taken shortly before we had to turn around! Traffic was so backed up here no one could pass through. I don't know how Oky managed to turn around. Please applaud now for Oky!!!!!!!!!
All of my work done, I returned home with Oky the next morning. That trip nearly 4 hours! Incidentally, on my arrival at the B's apartment I killed at least 20 mosquitoes as I started working. There were so many gaps to fill. B reports that on his next trip to the apartment, no mosquitoes. Success!

And while we are on the subject of Cilegon and the plant site, here's a snap of the Administration Building nearing completion. It is behind that tall wall— you can just see 3 dark blue segments of the roof off in the distance as we approach the site to drop B off.
In this shot you get to see the building. I think the large dirt pile belongs to a neighboring plant(?)


There are a wide variety of topics in this posting. The first topic is water!

Yesterday we had a very big rainstorm complete with thunder and lightening. B had taken off for Cilegon and the plant site in the afternoon so he missed it.  The heavy rain lasted only about 35 minutes, but it was enough to cause water to appear on the wall of my office/sewing room—again! We did not see the wet spots on the wall during the last part of the previous rainy season so it seems they did stop the leak at least for a while but now the leak is back. something probably cracked again with the heat of the dry season. We will enter the next rainy season within a few weeks so I imagine the leaking will continue and possibly worsen. We've started the process. I tell B. B tells our rental agent who tells building engineering and the owner's rental agent. The owner's rental agent tells the owner and we see what happens.

The events of the previous evening also involved water. The water heater of the apartment above ours apparently sprung a large leak. At least some of the water came down the wall in our laundry, ran across the kitchen floor and had started out into the hallway at the rear apartment entrance. After the mess was cleaned up, except for the stains on the wall, we are all set. The apartment upstairs probably has to make due without a full hot water supply!

Hold onto your wallets for this one. I happened to look in a case at my nearby grocer the other day and saw this. It was quite worthy of a photo. It's a whole turkey breast. The price reads Rp 2,181,300. At current exchange rates that is $164.00 US. I assure you I will not be purchasing one (B comment $23 USD/pound!).
Also in the case was a very small, whole turkey for the comparatively bargain price of Rp925,000. That's only $69.54 US.

Quite often banks and travel agencies and airlines get together in some format and hold travel fairs. We enjoyed lunch one day while observing the process. Each booth is a different travel agent. One waits in line and decides which trip and flights to take. Then one waits in another line to pay. All very efficient but given the number of people, we ate lunch faster than some people moved through the steps. 
I found out I've been referring to a staple of our house incorrectly. I found out that what I've always called an old blue tarp is actually a blue leisure sheet!
I haven't done that much jewelry making lately. I've been knitting and working on a quilt. And I finally got around to re-coating the tips of my beading/jewelry making pliers. I treated them just before we arrived here but didn't bring the liquid to re-coat. At some point I did bring a jar back with me. Finally the tools got so bad, I cleaned them all off, applied WD-40 all over as some are rusting here, cleaned the tips and did the re-coating. I'm all set for a while now.