Wednesday, July 3, 2019

New Zealand, Auckland (Zoo and Aquarium)

We usually try to explore any zoo we find so off we went!

The Zoo.
Auckland Zoo is the largest in New Zealand with 130+ species on 40 + acres.
A major construction project was underway as they are building a new SE Asia exhibit. They did drop the admission price due to the construction, so that was helpful. They didn't drop it much, however. We enjoyed the zoo, but directional signage was practically non-existent. They might have removed it all for the construction which was centrally located in the zoo. If not, they need to add some. Signage related to the collection was adequate. Different regions included South America, Australia, an older SE Asia area, Africa, Sri Lanka and New Zealand. It is a zoological garden and plants were showcased all over the place.

 Notice the touch of color? (Remember NZ is down under so it was already early winter.)

 At the same time, things are still blooming.
Ferns, ferns, ferns everywhere. That might explain why the silver fern is a symbol of New Zealand.
The silver fern specifically was actually used by the Maori to light trails at night. Of course they needed moonlight, too, but the ferns are dark green on the upper side and silvery on the underside. The ferns would be placed with the underside up and reflect the pathway in the moonlight.

A few critter photos:
The Brolga ( Antigone rubicunda)- an Australian member of the crane family

 A relative of Albie's.
New Zealand Wood Pigeon. This pair are definitely creatures of habit. They usually sit in exactly the same spot. There is even a sign.

 Black-handed spider monkey
Red pandas with a barrier that prevented good photos. It didn't help that the sun was directly facing the camera.

 Hamadryas baboon
A very well done multi-species exhibit in the Africa region.

Tasmanian devil. Here is the real one.
 This is some art in case the T. devils are sleeping?
A really nice fence!

The Aquarium
They have a shuttle bus which appears to be a shark eating a bus. I guess you can take a ride in it if you wish.
 A wobbegong (shark)
 One of my favorite fish- a mandarinfish.
Giant Kokopu. Native to New Zealand. Grows to about 12 inches and has no scales. Instead it's covered with a very thick mucous. Apparently these are good eating! I thought it would make a nice screen saver photo.
 So cool! Spiny seadragons. Found in waters off New Zealand and Australia, grow to about 19 inches.
Nice penguin exhibit. You entered the area on a walkway that wiggled while a fake wall of ice rotated around you. I couldn't get a good photo of this but it was interesting. New Zealand now has 6 species of penguin- the most diverse mix on Earth. Two very large penguins became extinct 30-40 mya. One was the tallest (5.6 ft) and one was the heaviest (220 lbs.). New Zealand penguins are the yellow-eyes, erect crested, snares crested, eastern rockhopper, fjordland crested and the Little Blue. None of those were included in this exhibit where we saw only king and gentoo.