Monday, September 16, 2019

One More Post

Here is a quick bunch of items of note in recent weeks. 

My "new" car.
I switched cars in mid-July from a CRV to this Nissan Serena so this has been my "ride" for a couple of months.

What is B's name?
He is always looking to see what name gets entered when B orders a coffee or iced tea. We have shared several of them in the past. Here we have Mr. Brate and also Brain. 

Pipe Work
Our building did some pipe work one day with no water for many hours. When it was finally turned on, this is what we had!  I cleaned out all of the faucet screens in the middle of running all of them. One faucet wouldn't even flow there was so much sand/sediment in the faucet screen.  By the next day, back to normal. Still not potable, but good enough for showering, etc., just like usual. 
Construction projects 
Project 1
Recent photo. This night club/restaurant venue is probably going to be completed soon. The exterior building lights ( facing our bedroom) are now on nightly and they have added the name for the building which also lights up. No photo of that yet. I took this photo at 2 am. A crew was using chainsaws to remove most of the limbs of trees that line the road (facing our bedroom).  Yep, they were doing tree trimming in the dark with flashlights. I am also not sure why they had to remove these limbs. We believe it has something to do with all of the closed circuit cameras they are installing to ticket folks. The system is working somewhat.  I think I read they mailed out something like 12,000 tickets over a few months. It sounds like about 900 have been paid. Step one- send out the tickets seems to be working, but step 2 and beyond seems to be an issue.

Project 2, July 22
This is the "control building" project. Not sure what the "control building" is, but we look down on this from the living room.
 Project 2, August 29

Project 4. A building inside the police compound was suddenly knocked down over a short period of time. Immediately, another building was started in the same spot.

Sometime earlier this year
July 22

August 29
Project 5
They appear to be constructing footpaths through a small lot I can see from my office window. Some of the vegetation has been left but most was cleared. Now I see what looks like stone walkways meandering through it. However, the construction headquarters for the control building sits inside the area so right now it doesn't look all that appealing. It might be a nice lunch spot for nearby office workers eventually. 

A Sunday morning parade. 
On a recent Sunday morning at about 7 am, we thought we heard a marching band outside. Yes, that's what it was- a marching band, possibly from one of the expat high schools. The parade consisted of hundreds of people walking behind the band. They went by our place out to an intersection road, made a u-turn, passed our place again and disappeared. We haven't been able to figure out what that was all about. First time we've seen it.

Crafty stuff
My little bit of free time has been spent trying to finish my highly embroidered quilt topper. I am really proud of this little blue carpenter bee I added to this block. I don't remember seeing one in Australia, but it is a a real bee and can be found there. The quilt topper is done, and it is basted up with batting and the back and is ready for quilting.

Food and drink
A display rack of chocolate at my market. And if you are wondering what a choco-pie is, it is sort of like a moon pie.
 We had a huge breakfast one day- way too much for one! Had to get a to go bag.
This was a lychee and grapefruit drink. Doesn't it look like a face?
 Another green drink. A green monster: pineapple, green apple and matcha tea.
This will probably be our last post from here as we are moving to France in just a few weeks!
We will miss the people, the fruit, the green drinks and so much more! We won't miss the traffic!

Stay tuned as the blog will continue once we land in our new digs!