Sunday, February 28, 2016

Training Exercises Next Door

When you think you hear gunfire in the vicinity of your home you do have a negative reaction. Last week when this happened, I looked outside to discover training exercises going on in my field of view. There were helicopters, SWAT-like teams and lots of action on the ground.

Not to be outdone in terms of training noise, the following morning I heard what sounded like detonations. Sure enough, I could see police in the track/field area of the police station detonating devices as part of their training.

I applaud the training and think it's great that they train to keep the citizens safe, however, a little advance notice of the exercises would have prevented the initial concern and adrenaline rush.  Still, I had a great vantage point from which to observe the activities.
Note the arrow pointing to the helicopter.
Here is a little video of the activities. Note that the gunfire is muted because we are inside the apartment watching from fairly far away (zoomed in) and recording through a closed window. Our chatter, however, is 2 inches from my phone so you can hear Ibu Tin and myself speaking loud and clear. The actual people with the guns were mostly out of our field of view, probably down in the trees behind the long, large yellow building in the foreground and off to the left in more trees. I failed to start recording when we could see them running all over the field and building rooftops, etc. That would have been great footage! Reminder: videos may not play on your small hand held devices like phones. You may need to use a tablet , laptop or desknop computer.

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