Sunday, March 13, 2016

Rainy Season Continues?

The weather folks here keep pushing back when we'll see the peak in the rainy season. We might finally be near peak now. This year the peak is very late. Many times, we get such fantastic looking skies with these storms.

The other night we had a storm that kept everyone we know up most of the night. Everyone was talking about it. There were so many extremely long thunder bits. Intense, rolling thunder and lightening. Wow!
There has been a little bit of flooding now.

Yesterday we had big storms hit in two areas of town and caused flooding in both areas. We got nothing where we were or where we live. We think the rainy season is peaking or has peaked. The sky is overall less clear so we think we're heading out of the rainy season and into the DRY!

The rainy season has continued to bring leaks to the apartment. The building has now hired an outside team of experts to try to figure things out and stop the leaking. They are going high-tech and using infrared thermography. Note: Between the time I wrote this post and published it, the thermography team decided they do not want the job and a second company was brought in to look things over. They looked in the ceiling holes and then left. No follow up yet.


  1. Have you tried any long exposure shots of the lightning?

  2. No, heaven't tried that. We have only a small tripod- insufficient for the job and I can't handhold for somthing like that. I did get some really interesting video the other day. Will post when I get the chance.


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