Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Bali Long Weekend Part 6

Flying  and Flying Over Volcanoes 

On our trip to Bali we flew during daylight hours and the weather wasn't too bad (B comment and the photos will attest to it - the weather was GORGEOUS!).

The trip there took us over the central portion of the island of Java. The return trip traveled further to the north but still mostly over Java. A window seat allowed me to take a bunch of photos. The volcanoes are "mountains" here. The Bahasa Indonesia word for mountain is gunung. Therefore, each volcano is named Gunung something- the abbreviation is Gn.

On the flight to Bali, we flew a southerly route across Java. Photos on arrival in Bali.

On our return flight we flew across the northern coast of Java. Both east and west flights allowed for some great photos of the volcanoes in East Java.

 In this shot I discovered my tablet could take 2 photos at once! Had to play with that feature.
Here are my best guesses as to ID of a few of the volcanoes. If anyone roams over Google Earth and disagrees, please let me know. I did my best.

 Gn. Raung.
 Gn. Ajuna and Gn. Arjuno (venting).
Gn. Semeru in the background (grey peak) and in the front Gn. Bromo.
 Another of Gn. Bromo.
 One more duo-shot, volcanoes in the background.
Just for fun, some Bali airport shots.
 The runways are sea-adjacent.

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