Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Out and About

We'd collected 4 batik prints which are targeted as shirts for B. I've been busy with other projects so we decided to take 2 of them to a new tailor we haven't used before. Several friends recommended this guy so we are giving it a shot. Part of a friend's directions for finding this guy includes these words, " If you are heading towards where Robyn used to live, don't turn right onto her street but turn left onto that street." That helped me distinguish 2 areas with the same street names. Google helped once I knew where to look. I even found photos.  Once you're on the street there is no place to park.The shop is down the even tinier street to the left of this blue building.
That's his gate there! Oky had to drop me and then pick me back up! The shirts should be ready in about 10 days. We'll keep you posted!
On the way to one of my friend's homes, we need to turn right onto a tiny street. In heavy traffic we must stop and wait to make our turn. As we do this, scooters go around us on the left to try to turn before us. At the same time you have scooters coming right at you—in your lane! They have gone around the cars in their lane and travel into your lane. For the most part, Oky takes it in stride. I try not to notice but this day was particularly bad.
Here are a couple of sky shots. One is of a terrific daytime storm which didn't last very long and the other was one of our really bad air days.

I may have mentioned this but we think they are building a nightclub across the street from our apartment building, directly opposite our bedroom windows. This is a photo from May.
Making progress. This is from the other day. It's moving right along. They do the concrete pouring in the middle of the night. Well, they do most things in the middle of the night. Is this affecting sleep? Yes, it is.
On August 17, Independence Day for Indonesia, the President officially opened the new pair of Semanggi overpasses. Originally it was suggested these overpasses would reduce traffic congestion by 30-40%. Now that they are built, the numbers have dropped to 10-15%. Even though it won't help traffic that much, the light show is pretty. It runs most nights. This is a stock photo I found. I can't really figure out where the photographer was located to take the shot. 
I shot this one myself from the balcony on the evening of the dedication on August 17.
The lights put on a real show, flashing, changing colors, etc. all night long.  We think they are a distraction for drivers because they are so bright but apparently others disagree. There has been a lot of red and white on both sides of Independence Day but there are blues, oranges, yellows, purples and the "official" Semanggi colors of yellow and green. There are yellow diamond shapes above swags of green. That color scheme can be seen in the  2 short videos of the color changing shows for those who can access them.

Once Again, Green!

One of my friends, as well as her husband, were completely addicted to the Tabasco green sauce. I think she had everyone she knew on the lookout for it. Once in a while she'd find a bottle, but she usually resorted to bringing some back in checked luggage—whenever she could find it.

Interestingly enough, I had not been able to find any here. However, within 2 weeks of her departure there it was- on the shelf- in abundance no less!
I know I've mentioned this before. I don't know how "they" know, but if you look long and hard enough for something, quite often right after you do find it or being it back with you, it appears in every shop.

A few new green drinks! First a virgin kiwi mojito and a virgin plum mojito.
 This one was more unusual: a lemon, mint and blueberry. Quite nice!
While on the subject of green things, we received another windfall of gifted mangoes. These were not just everyday mangoes but the top of the line, from the best source mangoes. The count is 24. This seems to happen a couple of times a year during prime mango season in East Java. What to do with 24 mangoes?  It's especially difficult this time. I had just purchased 2 other mangoes ( my favorite- mangga gedone gincu ( taste like peaches and are shown in the photo) plus a small watermelon. We will give some to our helper Bu Tin and some to our driver Pak Oky. I will take a bag to my crafty group and let them share in the bounty.  But seriously, 24 mangoes! Yikes!