Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Once Again, Green!

One of my friends, as well as her husband, were completely addicted to the Tabasco green sauce. I think she had everyone she knew on the lookout for it. Once in a while she'd find a bottle, but she usually resorted to bringing some back in checked luggage—whenever she could find it.

Interestingly enough, I had not been able to find any here. However, within 2 weeks of her departure there it was- on the shelf- in abundance no less!
I know I've mentioned this before. I don't know how "they" know, but if you look long and hard enough for something, quite often right after you do find it or being it back with you, it appears in every shop.

A few new green drinks! First a virgin kiwi mojito and a virgin plum mojito.
 This one was more unusual: a lemon, mint and blueberry. Quite nice!
While on the subject of green things, we received another windfall of gifted mangoes. These were not just everyday mangoes but the top of the line, from the best source mangoes. The count is 24. This seems to happen a couple of times a year during prime mango season in East Java. What to do with 24 mangoes?  It's especially difficult this time. I had just purchased 2 other mangoes ( my favorite- mangga gedone gincu ( taste like peaches and are shown in the photo) plus a small watermelon. We will give some to our helper Bu Tin and some to our driver Pak Oky. I will take a bag to my crafty group and let them share in the bounty.  But seriously, 24 mangoes! Yikes!

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