Monday, November 20, 2017

Construction update

It seems like ages since I last published a posting for the blog. We have been busy. Several trips plus daily life forced writing to take a backseat.

Here is an update on the progress at the construction site across the street from our bedroom:
I've posted photos occasionally since May when this project was just cleared land.
From August 29:
From October 5:
From November 9: They've poured most of the concrete by this point. And they pour it only at night for some reason. Note: New construction has begun to the right of the large building, behind what was a tennis court/club. We still have no idea what this will become. It has a very curvy look to it. Since I took this photo they have added an elevated, sloped concrete covered platform in the brown area at the left. Our guess is that they will be driving cars up the hill to drop people off or to park on the lowest level? But that doesn't really make sense either. We await further developments.
Update on the renovation of an apartment 3 floors above us: The renovation was begun in April and was supposed to conclude in August. Hmmmm. Still working on it and we are in November now.  We endure the daily pounding, drilling and our apartment filled with what I think is adhesive odors. B thinks it's paint odors. Sometimes it sounds like they are working right above us. We think the construction upstairs has caused trouble with the internet cables in the building leading to reception issues.  

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