Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Out and About

I had the most delicious cold soup for lunch one day. It was called a dragonfruit smoothie bowl.
There is a base of dragonfruit smoothie but also banana slices, pumpkin seeds, mint leaves, goji berries, coconut, oats, strawberries and chia seeds. So yummy!

Get ready for it- 2 more green drinks! Admittedly the top one in this photo doesn't look that green, but it was to the naked eye. It contains lychee, mango, lemon and basil and is called Heart Healthy.
 Mango, spinach, kiwi, mint and yogurt make up this next green drink. It's called Popeye Punch.

Once again it is the time for the end of the year holidays. Ace Hardware is decked out in Christmas finery. There is some red to this year's theme but a lot of it seems to lean towards the silver and gold and sparkly. Last year's theme was Mardi Gras- lots of grape and emerald and sparkly.

But then we saw these blue and white trees?
Construction still going n next door though progress has appeared to slow.
Early one fairly clear morning I captured one of the mountains off in the distance. To see this you have to press your face against our bedroom window while looking far to the right (East).
We've been gifted with fruits again this year. 10 kg of persimmons, Fuyu variety from Korea along with I don't know how many specialty strawberries also from Korea. How many persimmons in 10 kg? 49!  So far I've re-gifted 10 and will send a few home with both Pak Oky and Bu Tin and a few others will be gifts for friends. But that still left us with a lot of persimmons. I've made jam, pureed a bunch for the freezer and froze about 8 whole. The jam is delicious!

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