Monday, March 29, 2021


We  would probably not want to visit this place on a Saturday due to the crowds (even without COVID), but we discovered a really nice market within walking distance. On a Friday afternoon B happened to have a gap between meetings so we checked it out. Fruits, veggies, really nice meats, cheeses, bakeries, bread shops, etc. A few stalls were empty likely due to COVID but there isn't a lot of room for customers. We will definitely make use of this place in the future.

The hunt for cream cheese. They do actually carry Philadelphia brand cream cheese here but we tried a local type of "white cheese". It seemed to have  higher water content, but still created a nice cheesecake. I could always strain it in cheesecloth overnight to remove some of the water. Big difference in cost! It comes in 3 fat content levels.
This is the chocolate aisle in the large grocery store we frequent.

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