Friday, December 17, 2021

The Croissant Experiment, Ice Blocks and Coke Zero

One day while glancing through the refrigerator section at the grocery I spotted a tube of "make your own pains au chocolat (croissant with 2 sticks of chocolate buried inside). We thought it was worth the experiment so we bought one.

The next day we also purchased a boulangerie (bakery) produced pain au chocolat for comparison.

So, here is the boulangerie pain au chocolat. Flaky and light.

The make your own package made 8 small ones.  The first thing we noticed was that the texture was not quite right.

Before we discuss the results of the experiment, we raise a question. Why would they even produce such a thing here when there are boulangeries everywhere. We can probably walk to at least 6 of them within 5 minutes.  Back to our conclusion: an interesting experiment but we'll stick to a boulangerie if we want a pain au chocolat. 

Ice Blocks and the new Coke Zero

We were finally able to find "ice blocks" locally for B's lunch bag. A pair of these small blocks keeps his yogurt and fruit nice and cold.

The new Coke Zero has arrived in France. I think we are of mixed opinion. I like it better, B isn't so sure.

We had to share this new, disposable, wooden eating utensil from one of the local restaurants. It came with a delivery order. We think it should be called a chork. Chopsticks+ fork.

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