Thursday, March 23, 2023

Back in the USA

Our trip back from France wasn't the best. After we landed in Atlanta we learned the airline had left 10 bags off the flight. Two of them were ours! No explanation was given but we did receive the two missing suitcases in about 36 hours after landing at our final destination- Greenville, SC.  

Why Greenville, SC? Greenville, SC is the North American headquarters for Michelin, B's employer.


By the time we landed in Greenville, made the missing bags report and got to our next temporary apartment it was 1 AM EST. We'd started the day at around 5 AM in France so we had a very long day.

Before we left France, we managed to purchase a new house in Greenville via the Internet and had a great realtor who helped with video walkthroughs.  That was something we never imagined doing. We believed that we would always have to actually visit any house we would buy. It just wasn't possible this time. After negotiations were completed, we had inspections done and even some repairs before we were back in the US.

The house needed some love. Since our arrival about 3 weeks ago, we have had the house interior painted. New carpet and hard surface flooring and some lighting changes and additions will be done within a few weeks. The temporary apartment is only a 15 minute drive from the new house so we can go between the two easily. By starting many of these things including setting up appointments before we left France everything was underway before we even landed. 

Our shipment of goods from France arrived March 9, in Charleston, SC. We were told it would take 3-15 days to clear Customs but we got word Customs cleared our shipment almost immediately. Our goods will be stored until we take delivery which is planned for early April.

We are looking forward to experiencing the US after so many years away. Our first trip to the grocery store was eye-opening! Peeps cereal? Who knew?

With these final words we are signing off from our grand adventure and our blog. THANK YOU to our friends and family who have been loyal readers and so supportive over these last nine years.

We hope you enjoy seeing these again! We hardly ever take photos of ourselves but I found these.




1 comment:

  1. It has been wonderful to keep up with you during these nine years via your blog. Merci 😃 Bonnie


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