Saturday, June 6, 2015

New home decor

We purchased a wooden bowl and some wooden fruit to fill it. The bowl is really neat of course, but the fruits are a real find: belimbing, jambu merah, rambutan, salak, srikaya, jambu air, sawo, markisa that I can see in the photo. These are all fruits we've eaten here in Indonesia.  A few of them are available for a steep price in the US. One of them is easily obtained in the US: a lemon.

For me there is confusion here about the difference between a lemon and a lime. Yesterday at the grocery I needed a lime. The one I purchased was labeled "lemon juice."  But then there are the tiny little limes which are different still. How did I determine it was a lime? I used the scratch and sniff method. I should also point out that many of the oranges sold here look just like limes. I will also say that all citrus is referred to as jeruk and often the only word on the sign is jeruk, whether it's an orange, lemon or lime. I submit they are not interchangeable so the signs should be more specific to help me out. I think I will have to wait on that.

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