Saturday, June 6, 2015

Out and About in the car

Here are a couple of photos taken under one of the flyovers. A flyover is what they call the raised roadways that carry vehicles over the city street roads and, in theory, reduce traffic congestion. Often the flyover is just as jammed with traffic as the street roads, but they do help move traffic. I seem to spend a lot of time under the flyovers. Note: there is no cell phone signal under flyovers! I'm always trying to get on my phone just as we head under a flyover.
There are many, many small shops along the roads I travel. They sell everything in these shops from used toilets to phones to caged birds—all in very small shops. How would you locate a specific shop? I have no idea, but I suspect people shop in their neighborhoods as there are the same types of shops all over, repeated in different areas.  Here are just a couple of photos.
I think this shot was outside a mecca for people who sew and craft in Pasar (market) Mayestik.
Here we are waiting to turn down this street!
Here is a mango tree right beside the road filled with cars and scooters. They are all over, the mangoes that is.

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