Thursday, August 20, 2015

Lights and fans

While in the US, we shopped for a lot of "stuff" we can't get here. We needed small clip on battery operated fans for use in the fitness center. The place is apparently air-conditioned though first thing in the morning the system doesn't seem to operate. Sorry, no pix yet.

Another thing we found was a set of 2 battery operated lights with a remote control. The wet kitchen (if you don't remember what this is, look back at posts from when we first moved to our apartment) has no windows and the light switch is behind the door which is always kept shut if Ibu Tin is not here. These lights worked out perfectly. I mounted them under the upper cabinets on each side of the cooktop. The remote control sits outside the kitchen door. When there isn't enough light to see, you can just pop on these lights and, if you're just going for water, be in and out of the kitchen without having to fumble in the dark. Yay!

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