In December, we held a small, groundbreaking ceremony at the plant site. Why small? The official one will be a little later this year. We will do a joint celebration with our partner. Between us, we will invest close to 1 billion USD on a couple of projects. At the big one, the President of Indonesia and several cabinet members will come. Since activity was beginning at site, we wanted to do a little something to recognize the event with our contractor and their subcontractors.
So what are you looking at, besides the handsome men in the blue shirts (aka B and the Board of Directors for SRI)? The first thing to be built is the temporary construction facilities. Yep, we need to build something so we can build the plant. There will be multiple thousands of workers present soon and we need a place to store materials, the engineering offices (large building on the left), the Musholla (Mosque), the training center and the clinic.
Since we have been tardy in posting this, the temporary facilities are almost complete and real construction will start very soon. Stay tuned for more progress pictures.
It's kind of funny to see Brad as one of the taller folks in a photo ;-)