Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Juicer, Juice, Fun!

A few weeks ago we happened to be in a shop where there was a live demo of Hurom juicers. We stopped to listen and, more importantly watch, because the demo was in Bahasa Indonesia. Coincidentally, there was another customer there who was also listening. She spoke Bahasa and English. We shared the knowledge we had about juicing appliances (slow vs. fast, that the Hurom models reviewed well, etc.) and she helped with our questions. B and I bought a juicer and and the other customer also bought a juicer.

There is definitely a learning curve in using this machine and I’ve just begun.  Despite being told that the instructions in the box included English, sadly, that was not the case. I emailed US Hurom requesting an English version of the manual. B emailed Australia Hurom requesting the same. Very quickly, B received a .pdf file of the English manual. I am still waiting to hear from the US Hurom people.

I will admit I would rather not have to clean this device but as time goes on, it gets easier and faster. There are 11 parts to clean after each use.

I’ve tried a bunch of interesting concoctions. I think the first two I tried were simple and both green- cucumber and mint followed by celery and mint. I did a cucumber green apple and lemon as well. This was also green.
I blended celery, cucumber, Asian pear and kale. 
This one is a little odd due to the presence of additional items beyond other than fruits and/or veggies: banana, tons of kale, milk, pinch of cinnamon, dash of almond extract. This was quite good too.
Celery, apple and lemon (no photo but it was green and very tasty!)

Here’s one that wasn't green but was bright orange: 3 very large carrots, 1 small apple, ½ a lemon, 1” piece of fresh ginger root and a little jeruk bali (pomelo) (no photo)

Also there was a combination of carrot, orange, lemon and fresh ginger.(again no photo, again orange). Delicious.

There was one with celery, apple, pear, orange, passion fruit and lemon. Yum!
A red drink: beets, carrots, apple, small piece of ginger- really tasty
One with carrot, cucumber, celery, orange sweet pepper, orange, ginger, ½ a lemon and a little bit of spinach. So here's the ingredient board but the color was sort of a light toned burnt umber.
Lesson learned—if I don’t want an orange colored juice to take on a brown tint, don’t put in much if any spinach. The same applies for kale. Kale and spinach belong in drinks that you expect to be green. (no drink photo here either.)

Recent tries also include red grapes and pomegranate and I just got some interesting sweet potatoes to add in to a juice just to see how that works.

I also bought some very small local carrots the other day because the store I stopped at did not have the really good juicy carrots from Australia and these little ones were so dry. I will stick with the imported ones from Australia from now on.

My personal favorites so far?  Maybe the celery, apple, lemon and the carrot, orange, lemon ginger.

By the way, I noticed that all the juice in glass pictures are 1/4 full. That does not indicate the amount produced. I just poured a small amount into the glass in order to take the photo.

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