Monday, September 12, 2016

Art Bazaar and Puzzle

We recently attended an art bazaar in town. Much of the collection was very modern art. There was even a section for bizarre modern art. In a more classical or traditional art section, I was struck by the beauty and intricacy of this work. So many tiny, tiny wires and metal pieces. It must have taken years to put this together.

A close up. Wow! So detailed.
The Bazaar also presented a Wayang Shadow Puppet play. This time the audience was seated behind the puppeteer rather than in front of the screen. This allowed us to see the puppets rather than just the shadows. The puppeteer had no helpers. However, I've learned that a puppeteer really needs helpers to hand him the puppets. Only one man performs with the puppets and does all the voices, but he needs helpers and this guy had none!

I mentioned puzzles in the title of this post. Everyone may not know that we enjoy jigsaw puzzles. We always work a puzzle or two with family at holiday time and B and I have worked quite a few ourselves. We purchased 2 puzzles just before we moved here and had yet to crack them open. I got inspired one day when talking with another puzzle lover who also happens to be in my crafting group. She had a puzzle she and her husband had already worked and I traded with her one of our new puzzles. Puzzle in hand we now had to purchase a table to work the puzzle on. Voila! The puzzle is finished and here's our new table.

I've returned this puzzle and we've already opened the other one we brought. We really enjoy working the puzzles so we are going to have to find a source here or just bring puzzles back with us each time we travel home. PS. This one was much more difficult than it first appeared.

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