Sunday, September 4, 2016

Hawaii Vacation- Intro

Aloha from the Hawaiian Village Waikiki Beach Resort!

Recently, I was able to vacation with my mom and our niece in Hawaii. I was last in the islands 25 years ago. That's long enough that I don't remember many specifics so I can't answer a question like, "Has it changed much?" On my previous visit B and I spent more of our time on other islands so time at this location was pretty limited. This trip was all Waikiki and Oahu.

Naturally, my flights to get there began at 6 am and that required a departure from the apartment at 3:15 am. Nearly all of our flights seem to begin at 6 am.

My flights were as follows (and much easier on the way there than on the return):
Here to Tokyo, Tokyo to Honolulu. Door to door actual time: 23 hours

My return flights were not so easy: Honolulu to Los Angeles, Los Angeles to Tokyo, Tokyo home. Door to door actual time: left on 15 August and arrived midnight 17 August;  you can imagine the rest and the math is up to you.

I arrived in Honolulu much earlier than my roommates but the hotel was able to let me check in early so I got at least a bit of sleep before the others arrived some 6 hours later.

Just look at the view from our hotel room! Fabulous!

***Photo disclaimer. I'm using a few photos taken by our niece because many of her photos were better than mine.

We teased my mom that we certainly wouldn't lose her in a crowd when she's wearing chartreuse. Here's a shot of my travel companions for this trip.
She was harder to spot when she paused with a background of vegetation!

Here's a couple of shots of my roommates. I guess I wore them out!
This one is actually awake and laughing that she was able to catch a little snooze while the other two ran an errand.
Our hotel was HUGE!  The resort had multiple towers with thousands of people. I'm not sure how many thousands but the place was packed. A few shots around the hotel.

Some ticket stubs.
I can't explain this one...but as long as it's chocolate!
We attended a luau show one evening. Two of us got shell necklaces at the door. One of us who shall remain anonymous got the shell necklace but also got a plumeria lei.The one that got the plumeria lei took this photo:

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