Monday, October 17, 2016

Canada Giving Thanks

On October 1, the Canadian Women's Association celebrated with a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. A friend is now the co-leader of the group. They are pretty loose with membership requirements, so they even let American's join. I am still a member of the American Women's Association. Only kidding. Anyone can join.

Our table was mostly ladies from my sewing group and their spouses. One volunteer from each table was "sworn in" as turkey carver and presented with a chef's hat and apron. There was even an oath of turkey duty.
 Shortly after that ceremony, there was a turkey parade. One turkey was delivered to each table. Sorry this is blurry.
Our guy from the parade. Also in the photo a friend of mine from The Netherlands and her husband.
Here is our turkey carver. He did a pretty good job. ( Note: photo is in black and white—you are not seeing things.)
We had the usual sides and some approximations of traditional desserts: pumpkin pie, pecan pie and there was something else.  There were games of chance to raise funds for CWA charities and raffle tickets for prizes. We'd purchased raffle tickets when we got there but we didn't realize there were two sets of raffle tickets. One was for early birds only and then there was the real raffle tickets. Since we didn't buy any of the second set we didn't know about, we didn't win anything. Oh, well. One of the prizes was a bunch of vouchers for our favorite Indian restaurant in town. I would have liked to have those!

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