Monday, October 17, 2016

Out and About

Here is a selection of shots taken while in traffic around town. In this first shot you can see the lower edge of the framing of the window in the sliding door of our car. Inches away is the first row of motor scooters. Scooters tend to fill in every square micron of space between the cars the minute the traffic stops moving.

 Notice the roof of a 7-11 mini-market in this next shot.
I just passed this lot again today and now there is a cement wall.
 Just regular traffic, lalu lintas...
This is one of the anchor stores in a mall we occasionally visit. There is a bookstore here that stocks the Burda magazine I try to pick up monthly. We also sometimes shop at Metro.
Since this is the rainy season, if my group of photographs  represented reality, there should be a lot more shots taken through rain-drop laden windows.
 A scooter "store" selling various items. I think I took this shot in the neighborhood of one of my friends.
A parade of Go-jek (Taxi scooter) drivers.
 There is a lot of construction going on all over. Here is one example.
This is the Anomali Coffee shop where we occasionally go. It's very near the apartment.

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