Tuesday, November 1, 2016


Some random photos and thoughts. We've completed two more jigsaw puzzles.

We bought the Van Gogh puzzle in Hong Kong. I purchased another puzzle at the AWA Thrift Shop. It's an unopened 1000 piece Gauguin painting.  We will need to find a way to feed the puzzle addiction!

Switching gears, we were out at a  local mall and a school was advertising for new students. Here are some young students that captured our attention.  (Again, users of small, hand-held devices may not be able to view the video.)

We recently had all of the drapes and sheers cleaned. Day 1. Arrive unannounced on a Friday morning while I am out grocery shopping. Wait in the lobby until I return and find out they are here. Step one: remove all of the drapes and leave. Only the sheers remain. All of the rooms seem very bright. Difficult to sleep at night due to all of the lighted billboards and flashing LED TV screen billboards.

Day 2 ( a few days later). Step 1: Arrive unannounced about 2:30 in the afternoon. Step 2: bring back all of the drapes which have been perfumed to such a degree I cannot breathe.  Step 3: remove the sheers. Step 4: hang the returned drapes and start steaming the wrinkles from the drapes. I point out that 2 sets of the drapes are stained. I'm told it is the perfume and it will dry. Hmmm. Step 5: Leave with the sheers. Day 3:  (Another 2 days later) Step 1:Come back to remove two sets of drapes which are now stained and hadn't dried in 2 days. Had made an appointment for 2pm. When I arrived back home at 12:45 they were already here. Take the 2 sets of drapes and leave. Day 4: The plan is that 4 days from now they will return with the 2 pairs of drapes no longer stained and the sheers and finish everything. Appointment is for "after lunch."  Note: we got the drapes back without the stains but I should have let them use the perfume. The cleaner to remove the stains did not have a very pleasant aroma. I haven't had time to tie back all of the drapes properly so they simply hang straight for the time being.

Next topic. This decoration makes me think of Cinderella's carriage for some reason. I think it's really pretty. And it is a touch of fall, so really nice.
New set of sheets and duvet cover. We now have 2 duvet covers we can switch out.
Crafting is the next topic. A couple of my friends are making polyester batting stuffed wool animals. One lady is teaching 2 others. The "teacher's" work is fabulous. The animals look so real. It's fun to watch. It involves a lot of stabbing of the foam block with a sharp tool to compact and shape the batting. 
This is a finished shawl I made all blocked out. Thanks again to a friend who loaned me her blocking kit.

Staying somewhat on topic, there is a Juki shop in this town. They sell Juki sergers (and sewing machines) and I think I will be buying a serger. Juki is a fairly good brand from what I am told. Naturally, once I looked at the different models, I liked the look of the top model they carry. $$$$$ so we'll see. The good news is that I can buy one locally and not have to worry about duty on it to bring one in. 
Switching topics again, we have purple potatoes here. We recently went to a Korean restaurant and this is one of the side dishes we were served. BTW, it was served cold, i.e., refrigerated.  They also had excellent "burgers."
 Lastly, this installment's "green drink", a mint mojito - non-alcoholic of course.

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