Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Blue Mountains, Australia Part 4

Still on Day 2 in the Blue Mountains

What goes down must go up. To get out of the valley, we selected the railway.
As noted earlier, this is a very steep incline. The seats, though, tilt to level you out a little or add even more excitement by tilting more. We had so many people on our bench we just left it the way it was.

After riding this train from the bottom up, I can see the real thrill is riding down. We entered this tunnel from the lower end. But if you enter on the way down the track it would appear that the train was just dropping off a cliff as you exit the tunnel. I'm sure that people scream when that happens, especially folks in the front seats!

One night for dinner we felt like something different. We learned there was a pretty decent Chinese restaurant down the road. Easy walk they said Ah, not so much. The restaurant was all the way at the top of this "little hill"  after it flattened out, on the right side.
After exploring Scenic World, we sadly left the mountains and returned to Sydney for a couple of additional days. Sydney was great, but the mountains were wonderful!

Along the way we stopped at a highly advertised place, "Rick Rutherford's Country" in Lawson. This is supposed to be a quaint, Christmas store with a cafe. After knocking anything I touched off the display trees and before anything got broken, we moved on. The place was tiny despite the ads making it appear large. I'm still glad we stopped. It might have been great.

It's always nice to close out with pretty sunset photos, so here are 2 taken in the Blue Mountains.

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