Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Sydney, Australia Part 5

There are just a couple of final items.

Australian dollars are similar to those found in Singapore. They are part plastic and have clear windows in the bills.

In this shot, I am focused on the hotel Pringle's can, shooting through the clear window on the bill. I used the AUD$50.
By the way, because I moved the Pringles can in order to make this fabulous shot, the hotel charged us for mini-bar items. It turns out the mini-bar is weighted and wired and if you move something, it appears on your bill. Yes, they removed the items from the bill when we told them we didn't take anything.

Saw these somewhere. A friend says they are actually quite good. She thought she even had a bag at home. (She's from Australia and she just returned to Brisbane this weekend so I'm losing another friend.)

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