Sunday, January 15, 2017

Out and About and 'Tis the Season

Here's a shot of what I look at while waiting in front of our apartment building- at least on nice weather days. They seem to clean this thing completely every weekend. The bottom is filled with rocks and they take all of them out, clean them and then put them back. Big job.

We are in rainy season so we have a very nice selection of dark and stormy looking clouds on almost a daily basis. I love pretty clouds no matter what they bring with them.
During a particularly heavy rain, the street beneath our dining room window flooded.  I don't recall that happening before. Perhaps the roadway in that spot is sinking?

On one of B's recent trips to the plant site, several roads were flooded. His vehicle was re-routed. A team member took this photo as his car was being re-routed.

Shoes outside the apartment door, not ours but our neighbors. Typically Asian phenomenon. Off go the shoes!
Sometimes the car time is boring so I take pictures of traffic.
This situation is a pain. There are some new buildings going up pretty close to where we live. They are now installing electric cables and wastewater lines along Jl. Senopati. Every few yards they have holes in the road with little barriers. I haven't counted how many of these work holes there are but it is a mess.  They are removing the soil ( and they put it all in white plastic bags for safekeeping. Between the hole, the barrier and the sacks of soil this creates a HUGE bottleneck on the road.  It is a road I must travel when coming back to the apartment so I deal with this on a daily basis. This particular work site isn't into the road very far. Most of them interrupt an entire lane.
As I wrote this,  it was 40C (106 F) but let's talk about Christmas decorations!. Here are some shots from around town during Christmas 2016.
The atrium display at the mall near us has a StarWars themed tree due to the new movie. When I first looked at this I thought the tree was filled with gifts wrapped in white with white bows. B said I should take another look. Oops! They are StarWars spaceships.
 In this shot you can also see the red and green light sabers.
 At a different location, a winter wonderland theme was obvious.
 While taking these pictures, we noticed a couple we know sitting on Santa's lap! B shot a photo and texted it to them with the caption, "Busted!"  Here is an Indonesian band singing Christmas carols.
Here is a serious pet peeve of mine. This display included polar bears and penguins. Enough said!
At another spot with the same winter wonderland type theme, they repeated the same mistake.
 Polar bears and penguins together.
A friend sings with a local choir. They had a performance of holiday tunes and show tunes before the end of the year. Quite a few of my friends decided to attend the performance along with husbands in tow. Following the concert, 3 couples went to dinner! A very nice evening.

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