Friday, April 14, 2017

Back Home/Back to Normal

After a couple of months with family in the US, I'm been back home and trying to catch up for the last month plus. Admittedly, I did not immediately get back to our blog and even then I got distracted with other projects! But I'm back to writing again.

I had missed snow, though maybe not the cold temps that go with it. Today, I'm not missing snow that much anymore.  Lucky me got to experience multiple snow events while in the US. B could only remain in the US a couple of weeks so he wasn't able to enjoy as much weather as I did. I got to shovel,  and even played with the snow blower a few seconds. I took photos like someone who'd never seen snow before!

Just a small snowfall.
What fun! Snow removal at night!
Those of you who live in snow country will understand what I mean by snow that is totally not packable. No snowballs and no snow people! But, after the last big snow, I was finally rewarded with packable snow, tolerable outdoor temperatures and even some sun. Here are the results!

While on the subject of cold temps, check this out!

We had quite a few days like this. In fact when traveling from here back to the US, we underwent a 100F temperature change!

Our entry point into the US was in Chicago. While at the gate we got to watch a lot of de-icing going on!

Once finally on the plane we got de-iced a couple of times while waiting for clearance to take off. And the snow got heavier...

Early in our visit it was freezing cold all the time outside and inside. Layering helped. Eventually I did get somewhat used to it. We've stashed winter coats, hats, gloves, boots, etc., with family for these outside conditions. I needed to purchase an extra layer which I wore practically every day.  I also borrowed a pashmina shawl which I wore along with my other layers almost daily.

We tried a trip to Boston but that didn't go very well.

I don't ever remember being behind a quartet of snowplows all working in tandem!

The family dog also gets cold in the winter. I had some time to do some knitting so "Belle" got two new sweaters. I'm told she really likes purple so...

Isn't she sweet?

The two of us in the snow!
I think I'm over "missing snow" for a while. The big 2 footer came after I left! Whew!

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