Sunday, May 28, 2017

Out and About

This is a new restaurant for us. A friend introduced me to this Vietnamese place and I have introduced B to it. I really like their Banh Mi Ga (five-spiced chicken) sandwich. Their Gi Cuon Chay (vegetarian summer rolls) are also really good. The Banh Mi Ga can be ordered with extra crispy bread and it can be whole or pre-cut in half or in fourths.

Time Limit on Dining
This one spot where we dine occasionally on a Saturday directs you to a table and then places a card on the table indicating how long you may sit there.This time reads on both sides that the table is only available 9:30 - 6:30. Other times it's just been a period of 2 hours. Maybe they have evening functions reserving the entire place? This is common here. You can buy out an entire restaurant. They don't usually say anything about the time limit, they just put it on the table. We sat down a little after 4:30, but this clearly says 9:30 so???
Last week on entering my grocery store, I caught this out of the corner of my eye. I couldn't believe it. A Cheesecake Factory booth right in the market! Prices are high, but I suppose if you really had a craving... What's the cost for these pretty small cheesecakes? Rp-660,000 to Rp 880,000 ( roughly $50-66 US). They are slightly larger than a Junior's Cheesecake available in some US groceries in the frozen section. I paid $12 US for one of the Junior's Cheesecakes in the last couple of years while visiting NY. This popped up just in time for Ramadhan!

Fruit at the Grocery
Recently, when we were heading to a grocery store in one of the malls,  we noticed sevral "actors: dressed as fruit. The "grape" has a nice smile on his face. The other guy, who is a ????, doesn't seem too happy with this gig!

Car Free "Day"
Every Sunday morning one main street in the business district is "car-free."  Buses still travel it and cars do too, but we don't see too many. A lot of bicyclists and runners and walkers are out and about on Sunday mornings.

They also have made one of the lanes that go around a large block of the area near us for pedestrians only on Saturday and Sunday mornings. Cars and scooters whiz by in the adjacent lanes, however. And to be honest, only part of the walk is in the street itself. Part of the time you walk on the sidewalk with cars in all of the lanes. I suppose they can't eliminate cars completely. Early on a Sunday morning it looked fairly nice outside so we went for a walk.

Fun for the Kids
They really have fun things for kids in some of the malls here. Here is a spot to drive cars around a track. Next is a place where you can practice your construction skills using all manner of "big boy" toys.
At this construction (konstruksi) site, for Rp150,000 you can have unlimited time playing according to the sign. And you get your choice of a hard hat, t-shirt or orange blaze safety vest!

Great Poster
I saw this somewhere while out and about.

Almost Home
Just before we reach our apartment building we go through a short tunnel. This is what I see when we exit the tunnel and before we turn left into the apartment lot.If the silver car weren't there you would see the sign for our apartment building. We turn left into the site in front of the little whitish booth in the distance in the photo.

Drinks That Are Not Green, Maybe!
Rosella Tea- served at our favorite Chinese-Indonesian restaurant.

Charcoal Tea-  ( It looks sort of green in this photo, but it isn't really. )Spotted this in the grocery store. Pineapple, lemon and charcoal are the listed ingredients.

Life is like a container of ice cream!

We entered the month of Ramadhan yesterday. We wanted to share some basic food statistics. The markets across this town sell 120 tons of shallots and red chilis every day! During Ramadhan, the demand goes up by 10-20 percent. To keep up the government imports extra beyond what can be grown here. By the way, they do use onions and garlic in cooking, but traditionally, far more shallots are used. And red chilis go into practically everything.

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