Monday, July 23, 2018

Under Construction/Renovation

Construction continues all around us but also in our apartment. The apartment above us had a problem in their kitchen sink line so they had to replace the pipes to unblock a plugged line.  Where are these pipes? In our ceilings! Holes all over. They worked on this all day. Meanwhile we couldn't use any water in the kitchen. The same family has trouble with their toilets. If the toilets are faulty, the people don't seem to notice but we hear continuously flushing toilets draining water down the pipes in the ceiling. It is a huge waste of water in a place without a lot of water. They must just not notice it.

And the construction has begun once again (following a break during Idul Fitri) on both sides of our apartment, though one project moves very slowly at the moment. We can see this construction project from the living room.

We'll keep you posted on this project as it moves along.

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