Monday, September 17, 2018

Interesting Story- Keumalahayati (Malahayati)

I can't believe my last post was late July. Where has the time gone? I have been really busy with the American Women's Association so much so that even my crafty time has reduced.

I am now, finally working on a few posts, but in the meantime, I had found this tidbit and wanted to share it. I assume it is true, but it could just be folklore. Sounds like it might make for an interesting movie.

Late in the 16th century a woman named Malahayati was an admiral in the Navy of the Aceh Sultanate which ruled the area of modern Aceh Province, Sumatra. She is labeled as the first woman admiral in the modern world. Her troops? Apparently mostly widows from Aceh.

She herself was a widow and the daughter of an admiral which probably influenced her choice to study at the Aceh Royal Military Academy. Before her appointment by Sultan Alauddin Mansur Syah as First Admiral, she had proven herself a legendary commander during battles with the Portuguese and the Dutch. She was killed in combat.

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