Monday, September 24, 2018

Singapore Weekend- National Gallery

We were told there was an exhibit at the National Gallery that sounded very interesting. So off we went. A pretty church on the walk.
We had been to this Gallery previously but hadn't posted any photos of this interesting walkway. It is usually raining and this provides great cover on the walk from the metro station.
 Benches all along have engraved faces.

It turned out that exhibit we were interested in was not at the Gallery. Either the helpful person telling us about the exhibit had the wrong dates or the wrong museum.

We had hopped on the MRT and arrived at the Gallery so we did stay to take in a couple of current exhibits.

We might not have stayed because the place is expensive and we had seen the permanent collection on earlier visits, however, the entrance price for the temporary exhibits turned out to be not so bad. The entry fee dropped by nearly 50% based on dual discounts: we are not as young as we used to be and we have a frequent flyer number with Singapore Airlines.

Two paintings caught my eye. Boats on the Waterfront, 1965.

 And this one: Stalls Under Trees by Fullerton Building, not dated

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