Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Out and About- Food

Food, food, food.  First, a few green drinks plus.
On the left we have a "refresher" : cranberry, elderflower, lemonade and soda along with a homemade lemonade with lots of mint.

On the right: Basil, pineapple, orange, apple, lemon juice.

On the left, basil, grapes, lemon, ginger ale. On the right ????
A duo of "super" drinks.
This is a super red and a super green. Super red is red dragon fruit, beetroot, pineapple, red apple. The super green is kale, green apple, cucumber, celery, mint.
I found an "instant hosting kit" at the grocery store. This nice set of cookies along with coffee and tea makes it easy to host my crafty group at the last minute.
We know we have mentioned the strange fascination with cheese here- grated, regular white cheddar-type cheese.  Just two options to ponder:

On the same day at the grocery, they had 4 different types of imported apples. I had to look them up to see which ones I would like. So I investigate by googling each one while in the grocery. Of this set, I think I chose the Envy apples.

 The apples are above the sign in this one.
A friend brought me 6 tiny macaron cookies for helping her with a project. Yum!
Lastly, the drink with our name on it! We kid you not! I finally tried one the second time I saw these. 
I selected the Nutella flavor.
What is this? There is Nutella flavored jello, sort of flaked with a fork in a sort of Nutella flavored milk. It tasted like chocolate milk.

Here is the first of its kind sighted here in 4 years: something actually labeled graham crackers. Found these at a new small mall near the apartment by the new plant.
They sort of tasted like graham crackers, but were sprinkled with large sugar crystals which was different.

But wait, there's more:
I had to photograph this while B was getting ice an iced tea.
Maybe it made sense in another language?

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