Sunday, December 9, 2018

It's been a long time...

This might have been the longest time period without news from us. Much of my time has been consumed with the American Women's Association (AWA). You may remember I am secretary again. Our now former President resigned to take up a great business opportunity she has been offered so our Treasurer agreed to finish the President's term.  Enough said on that subject.

I am back in the consultant chair again helping another new President. I have a lot of information and experience others just haven't yet acquired I guess. Anyway, many, many hours are dedicated to helping the President and helping the organization as best as I can. The other day I tried to take one day fully off from AWA and the President panicked and thought she'd done something to offend me. She asked that next time I try to take the day off, please tell her. Ok. I can do that.

To add to the work load, the British Women's Association and the Asociacion IberoAmericana will be using our center.  Several months of efforts had both organizations holding huge garage sales to sell off furniture and accessories so we could combine into one space. As it turns out, both Ibu Tin and Pak Rapiudin (my driver- Oky is with Brad during the week) got great steals on cabinets we sold off. Basically I bought them because I give each of them cash to spend when we have these sales. Rap Rapiudin arranged to get a truck and they worked out picking up the furniture and delivering it to their respective homes. A new lease had to be signed and work was done on the center.

BWA is splitting costs per a shared lease and AIA will pay a usage fee. All of the organizations are struggling with lower memberships as so many oil and gas companies have removed employees from the area. Everyone is looking to cut costs while still providing everything their members need. So, BWA has moved in and will have 2 weekdays as theirs. We will have 2 weekdays as ours and AIA will rent one weekday a week.  The Canadian Women's  Association will also rent our space occasionally. Weekends are to be negotiated as needed. Contracts with sponsors, our paid staff ( security, household, bookkeeper) contracts all had come up for renewal.  I did some work on our website and new members can now join online!  I've streamlined proposals for activities/programs/events and all of that is online as well. I even helped with a cash count one day. I don't like counting money in a hurry! I work at the front desk and train anyone willing to work it. I could go on and on.

You are probably saying to yourself, "No wonder she's had no time to post to the blog!" (And the above is just a part of it!)

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