Saturday, June 8, 2019

Since the last post in March...2/3 Construction Updates

Construction site#1 hasn't really changed much in a long while. 

Work is slowly continuing but much of it is on the inside now. At least part of this appears to be a restaurant. This photo was taken on May 10. We hope it isn't a night club on the upper floors but it looks like an outdoor circular bar on the top level.. Hmmm.  One day there was a lettered sign on what appeared to be white plastic on the side of the building. The next day it was gone. Another hmmm.

Construction site #2 is a complete mystery but we believe it is some sort of "controls" building.
This set of photos was taken between March 27 and May 10.

Based on the size of the crane, this building won't be more than a couple of stories tall. They do work on this during the night,  but it's on the other end of the apartment so while it is bothersome during the day, it doesn't disturb my sleep.
You may remember previous posts including photos of the work to pour 100 or more concrete pilings  on this site (the pilings seemed to fill the area, side-by-side). They poured these pilings over several months. Then the site work stopped for quite a while. Once work began again, they dug a big hole and broke up every single piling and hauled them away. That was noisy work. Hmmm.

Once they got this floating sort of foundation in, they installed what looks like a temporary roof. The roof is incomplete in this shot, but it covers the entire site now. The roof itself is still below ground.  ?????

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