Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Another Out & About- The Sequel

While still in lockdown, we do take advantage of our daily, permitted time to go for a walk. Lately we have used up most of our permitted hour. There are lots of interesting streets, buildings, doorways just calling out to be photographed.

Part of this building is but one room wide. Barely noticeable in the shot are 2 poles attached to this building and the one to the left. I suppose those are supporting the building.

A particularly nice sky on this day.

While many streets are very small alleys, there are a few main roads down which the tram system runs. B walks down this street between the temp apartment and the office. They are permitted to be at the office a maximum of 2 days per week during the lockdown. Other days-- work from home!

Yes, these are roads.
I loved this really big door.
Puy-de-dome is in the distance.

A variety of window coverings.
Through this opening is a street? It's labeled Rue de ...
A drawbridge-like entrance to your apartment!

In front of a building we noticed these medallions embedded in the stone walkway. Vercingetorix, a Gaul chieftain led a failed revolt against Julius Caesar's Roman forces.
Pascal was born here in 1623. He was a mathematician, physicist and more...  
These signs are all over the city. It means wearing masks are obligatory. Above the text is a graphic of a head wearing a mask. 

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