Thursday, November 5, 2020

Out & About

As I wrote previously, we were permitted to take short walks while in isolation and we will continue to walk daily during lockdown. Here are some photos. Newly planted tree. Some sort of bamboo wrap fully around the trunk. Could just be so the tree supports don't damage the trunk.

Really old door.

Road. Looks very similar to the sidewalk, no?

You can see a tram in this one.- some pavement here but we don't see much of it.
This building dates from 1778. Cool.

We've traded in active volcanoes for dormant ones. View of Puy-de-dome. This is the highest volcano in the Chaine de Puys ( a UNESCO World Heritage Site)-- a series of about 80 dormant volcanoes. Puy-de-dome peak elevation is 1465 m (4883 ft). From what I read, these volcanoes last erupted about 7,000 years ago and were formed in a similar manner to Mt. St. Helen's in the US. Gallo-Roman pilgrims traveled to this spot. There is a temple atop the mountain built in the 2nd Century AD. We could tell it was already raining in the mountains. It started raining here a few hours later. It will be great when we are eventually able to get to the top and have a look-see. We'll be able to share more details!

Our first spotting of a company sign in town as we take our short walks around the apartment.

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