Saturday, December 12, 2020

Food Related

We hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving holiday! While we didn't have the traditional meal, we did have a delicious homemade lentil soup, toasted baguette and a slice of deli turkey. 

A couple of weeks ago we had our first meal delivery. We were still in lockdown at that point. Here we have a company called Deliveroo which we decided to try. We got burgers from a local place. I ordered an Orangina with my meal. I hadn't had one in years. It's kind of a low level fizzy orange crush for those who haven't had one. The fries are in the takeaway-looking containers. And we got a thank you note on the bag!

We had a desire for Christmas cookies so I made a small batch of Russian Teacakes. Making these took 4 or 5 bakes. The only cookie sheet type pan I have is about 8 inches X 10 inches.  
If you are a sausage aficionado, you would love to have access to these options. These are just a few of the possibilities we've encountered so far. We tried 2. One was really good, one not so good. We will continue our research.

What a shop we found- L'eau Vive (roughly translated as living water).  This place has a parking lot- 4 or 5 spots! We'd walked past this shop and noticed it seemed to have a lot of foot traffic, but we hadn't had time to stop in. Wow! Health food store meets Whole Foods. We will visit this shop again and again.

From the outside we expected a very small space. Not! This shot was taken from the 2nd floor.

One of the things we picked up was a bottle of spiced apple juice. Yummy! They require you to bring your own bags. Lesson learned. Good thing our coats have pockets.

Lastly I include here because it smells like something you would eat. The new dish soap we purchased smells just like real, fresh grapefruit. I was impressed because there is no suggestion of how good it smells on the label. The label only mentions that it cleans well.

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