Sunday, December 27, 2020

We Have A Car!

When the non-essential shops were allowed to open, that allowed B to go car shopping. We picked up our car on December 11. It's a manual transmission Peugeot 3008 (2018) not to be confused with the 308. This photo was taken as we approached the car for our quickie lesson ( in French) on some of the features of the car. 

It does have lots of features.

It was raining on our way to the dealer.  I decided to document part of the trip home.

Comes with GPS.

This is the area closer to our temporary apartment. Yes, this is a street! The firetruck barely fit.

Here we go down our street.

We had a clicker to open the gate.
We had to park it here! It would fit in the spot we believe was for our use but you couldn't open the car doors once parked–cement wall on one side, big row of bushes on the other.

On December 13 our first drive in the car was to IKEA. This was our best option considering COVID. Because the permanent apartment will come with no furniture we need a bunch of stuff. Naturally, we decided to get stuff we had to put together on delivery. Smart? Not sure yet. Here we go!

On the way to IKEA (not that far from the downtown area where we live) we noticed it was snowing in the mountains but not on the highway we were on. You have to look closely.

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