Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Grocery Items Explored

Some of you may never use Crisco for anything. We have a few recipes that use it, for example chocolate chip cookies!. I was able to purchase Crisco a couple of times in Indonesia and also carried a small container back from the US in a checked suitcase one time. Unless we order it online at a hefty price tag, we must do without here. My research says some folks have had success substituting a type of vegetable margarine product. This one, Planta Fin and also one called Primavera are the two we will try.

We visited the great market ( MarchĂ© Saint Pierre) within an easy walk:  Chickens!
The cheese! The number of cheese varieties continues to amaze us. 

I don't know whether this vendor stocks these at all times, but prior to Easter they had this collection of glacĂ©ed fruits including whole small limes, clementine oranges and so much more.  I have to figure out something to do with them. They look so pretty!
This vegetable intrigued me. It looks a lot like a reddish ginger or galangal. It is actually something called oca and is originally from Peru but based on the sign, they grow it in France- probably in the mountains. This is a tuber and tastes like a potato and sorrel. It is eaten cooked. It's sometimes called a sour truffette. We haven't tried it yet! Anyone know it?
Those who know me well know that I don't enjoy mushrooms. In fact, my mushroom knowledge is quite limited despite taking a college course in mycology (study of fungi). So, here's a question for you mushroom lovers: Is there a difference between the pure white and brown varieties of this type of mushroom? Inquiring minds- non-mushroom leaning minds- want to know.

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