Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Weather, etc.

We have experienced major swings in temperature and really interesting skies for weeks. For example, on March 13 we had a rainstorm move through. What a sky! Still bright blue above but black in the distance. We had a lot of days with warmer temperatures.

We woke to a winter wonderland on March 19.

The next day we could still see snow on Puy-de-Dome but the snow had disappeared in town.
We had many days in late March and early April in the 70s- even 79. More recently we have had cold days again, even below freezing temps in the early morning. Typical spring I guess.

Everything started to transition from blooming to leafing. These trees are down the street below our larger balcony. Pear trees? I don't know.

With the warmer outdoor temperatures we have had many days where instead of just airing out for 10 minutes, we have had multiple windows and doors open much of the day. They don't have screens here so we've had a couple of insects come in. These must not bother many of the French but at a fabric store I took note of screening fabric in stock. 
Obviously, here we don't have to be concerned with mosquitoes carrying deadly diseases like Dengue and I don't expect to see that many mosquitoes anyway. But, I am not in favor of inviting bees, flies and the like inside. I might decide to fit a couple of windows with screening at some point.

By the way, mosquito in French is moustique.

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