Monday, May 17, 2021

Parc Montjuvet

In mid-April, we drove to this park. It is only about 3 km from the apartment so still within the 10 km limit during our "lockdown-light". Lockdown-light meant most things were still closed but a few essentials were open. Walking outside was allowed. The weather wasn't great so there weren't a lot of people in the park. And, we were able to find a place to park!! 

This park seems large and there are lot of trees and winding paths along with many picnic tables which are probably used in nicer weather and outside of lockdowns.

The views of the city were great from up here!

The famous cathedral which we've written about in earlier blogs really stands out in the vista.

This bird is called a pie bavarde or black-billed magpie. We see these from the apartment sometimes. They are very common here.

A really large communal bird house or sculpture? 
In many spots we don't see a lot of dandelions, but we do see this small, white-flowering groundcover.

Walking towards the park entrance.
Heading down the hill to the car.

Heading back to town- Notice the cathedral in the distance.

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