Monday, May 17, 2021

Out & About & Apartment

It was a beautiful day on April 4 and just before the lockdown that ends on Wednesday, May 19. On that day we walked to Jardin Lecoq again to enjoy some nicer weather and get out of the apartment for a bit. Though this was a lovely day, we have had many cold days since our garden visit.With all of the blooms, it reminded us a little of the famous tulip event in The Netherlands- Keukenhof. We were in The Netherlands a few years ago and got to enjoy the event there.

Apparently this is the place to take a duck snooze! And they were even social distancing!

We've walked past this unusual tree many, many times but this is the first time we saw it with blooms. Arriving in October last year, it had already lost its leaves. It's an Empress tree or Princess tree or foxglove tree- Paulownia tomentosa. After it flowers, it sets woody seed capsules. It is native to central and western China. I have no idea why it was planted in the city.

Some tree work was done on the street. Two of the strangely trimmed trees were replaced. 

View of the trees across the street. These may be lost due to the construction.

Based on the signs, this parade/demo was in support of saving the air and the water on Earth- in support of addressing the climate crisis.

I decided I needed a couple of small moveable carts- one for the painting supplies and one for my sewing things. We needed to get the painting supplies off of the dining room table and the sewing items that needed to be readily accessible were constantly being moved from the small cutting table to the ironing board and back to the table. Anyway, we got 2 of these, one white and one black. They are exactly what was needed!
We wanted to share our funny version of a phone holder for video chatting. Our butter container forms the base, next the pencil holder gets emptied and forms the 2nd layer. On top is a salt and pepper holder with one of them removed. We keep saying we need to get a better option.

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