Saturday, July 17, 2021

Gardening, etc.

We needed a new saucer for one of the plants so out to the garden center we went. I have never  seen live chickens for sale at a garden center. Maybe it's a French thing?

This seed row was amazing! Made me wish I had a garden.

Another item I'd never seen before.  They have these bags to protect tomatoes and some are even 100% compostable. 

Our tomato height status? It would be well over 6 feet but I had to prune it to try and keep it at the 6 feet limit (the height of our stake). We had some hefty winds that required us to tie the tall stake to the balcony railing. That has worked pretty well but further intervention is now needed.

We did an inventory of the tomatoes on our grape/cherry tomato plant--at least 133 tomatoes! 

A few were beginning to ripen.
Next a couple of additional tomatoes were ripening.

On July 5 we harvested 6 of these beauties and created a lovely caprese salad. Buffalo mozzerella, a bit of shallot, a drizzle of balsamic vinegar and fresh basil from our balcony finished off the dish. YUMMY!

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