Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Lac d'Aydat

Quite a few weeks ago we ventured out early on a Saturday. I'd read about a loop walk around a lake near here.  It was only a 25 min drive from town so even though the weather didn't look great we thought, why not try? We'd had a very cold spell overnight and it had snowed in the mountains.

On our drive to the lake-- Lac d'Aydat.

A collection of signs along the road.
We found a place to park near a restaurant that was still closed due to Covid protocols.
The lake! The lake was pretty even with an overcast sky.
The sign says a special fishing license for this lake is required. The French national license is not sufficient. The lower sign explains the number and size of fish allowed to be taken with the special license.
Some fish drawings.
We saw a few homes near the lake.
This one was interesting. Below the house it appeared that someone either imbedded large sticks in the ground all over, or these are tree trunks and they had all been cut off?? Or???

There is a wetland portion of the loop walk. There were practically no other people here on this day. I suppose overcast and chilly isn't inviting to some folks! Apparently, there are huge summer crowds enjoying all sorts of water-related activities on the lake.

There are some interesting clouds forming at this point.
Along the walk at certain points you are further away from the lake and walking through village areas. This is  the Church of Saint-Sidoine d'Aydat. It was constructed in the XIII century. This is the southeast corner of the church. In the XV century it was fortified by the addition of 4 rounds, one in the north and 3 in the south. The bell tower dates from the XIX century. 

The bell tower side.

The clouds appeared to be almost boiling at this point so it was time to head back to the car.
Another pretty lake shot!
Safely back in the car and heading home we took a few sky photos. I think the moment we got in the car we started to see a few drops on the windshield.

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