Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Changes in town since summer

While we were back in the US this summer several things had changed in town. The church that had been undergoing major renovations had the scaffolding removed which had been in place since before our arrival in October 2020. 

In recent weeks even the barrier in front of the church was also removed.

The garden planted at one end of Place du Jaude had continued to grow and fill in. Now that has been removed.

Christmas decor including a giant tree is now up in Place du Jaude and also the ferris wheel has arrived. The energy issues may curtail some of it. Our town has announced that the Christmas stuff will begin one week later than usual and end completely on January 1 to save energy. This limits it to only about 3 weeks based on my calculation. It was far longer last year. For such a short time period, perhaps the large ferris wheel will not make an appearance. Only time will tell.

The new apartment building across the street had added a few floors

The full structure of the apartment building is complete. It won't be any taller than this. This "before" photo was taken before June 2021. They had removed a lot of trees and were in the midst of the archeology dig. The sycamores lining the street had been sharply pruned the previous fall and they were slow to leaf out so the view was pretty good.

This photo was taken October 25,2022. There will be 53 apartments in it, starting at 30 square meters (a little over 300 square feet). They are now working on the interior of the polyclinique

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