Tuesday, November 8, 2022


Yep, this definitely falls into the miscellaneous category.

Care of our feet

This is pretty silly, but we tried foot masks again! The result wasn't as long lasting as the other time we tried this, but still resulted in softer feet. We probably just need to do it more often. There are many brands and types available. Anyone else do this?

Hooked on Ancestry.com

I have started working on our family ancestry along with my mom. She did a tremendous amount of work a long time ago when she had to write letters and/or emails requesting information. Now, so much information is included in Ancestry.com so we are looking into it again. There are so many interesting stories– even with people who turn out not to be related. I enjoy reading about the people. Now that I've added this as a hobby, it's difficult to decide what to do - knit, sew, paint, or ancestry research. I'm working hard to finish a cable stitch afghan I'm creating while doing some ancestry work. I think we will need the afghan once the winter sets in. One and 1/2 large more skeins to go.

Iced Tea

There is a tiny Korean store/cafe near the apartment. We recently discovered they sell Pokka green tea. This was a favorite of mine in Indonesia.

French Fries a Plenty!

We wanted Five Guys for lunch or dinner one day. We have never gotten so many french fries anywhere! These are two 10 inch plates! I think the packer put in our fries and then put our fries in a second time! Way too many!


Quite a while ago a new pizza place opened around the corner. It is a self-serve place in the wall of a building. We finally tried it and it actually wasn't bad. The process was fun, too. You select whether you want the machine to heat it for you (takes 3 minutes it says) or you will heat it at home. I am pretty sure these are partially baked even if you order them "cold." We usually get 2 types. We like pizza leftovers.

It keeps you informed during the process. It said it was working on the second pizza but the first pizza has been dispensed from the big slot! 
We walked back to the apartment and heated up the oven. The pizzas came with thin perforated pans for reheating. (Oven needs a cleaning!)
It appears that this "restaurant" is open 24/7 so if we ever want a pizza at 3 o'clock in the morning I suppose we could get one.

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