Sunday, December 7, 2014

Another sky discussion and Go Bucks!

Yesterday after a brief rain as sunset was approaching we were gazing at the pretty sky and all of the sudden we saw part of a rainbow. We raced out onto the balcony and one of us slipped in water that wasn't visible on the marble flooring (don't worry, the slipping individual caught the railing and did not fall down).
It was not just a rainbow, but a complete rainbow arc. Next was a mad scramble for cameras and a switch of balcony locations to capture the moment as the lighting quickly changed. It was pretty.
About the second topic I need to say again, "Go Bucks!" It was a great game. We were not able to stream video for this game (boo hoo) but we were able to stream live audio from the OSU radio station. Sorry, Wisconsin.  OSU 59: Wisconsin 0

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