Friday, December 5, 2014

On Thanksgiving

We've had some questions about what we did for Thanksgiving. We ordered our meal from a catering company run by an American expat. The company caters to expats of all types. I placed the order and was told delivery would be 1 pm on November 27. It arrived promptly at 1:00 ( probably carried in a box on the back of a scooter) still hot. Payment was cash on delivery. When the delivery man arrived, the apartment reception called and announced him. I went downstairs with Tin (our maid) in case it was too much to carry. In fact, it was too much to carry because he didn't have it in a bag. Each item was in it's own white cardboard box with a lid. He opened each box quickly so I could confirm everything was there. I paid him and we carried everything back upstairs and put it in the refrigerator. I snapped a couple of photos as Tin opened all of the boxes and planned the big "reheat."
The gravy and cranberry sauce didn't come in a box. The items didn't come with directions so I Googled a place my mom has used in the past and they had a very nice .pdf file of directions for reheating their Thanksgiving dinners. We used that plan.

All of the aluminum pans were labeled, the rolls, pie, cranberry sauce and gravy were not labeled.

Everything reheated and ready to serve.
We have had several meals from the leftovers so it worked out nicely. Most of it was very well prepared. The exception was the apple pie. The filling was heavily seasoned with too much clove and allspice for my taste and the crust was not flaky and tender at all. Difficult to even cut.

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