Friday, December 5, 2014

I saw the ocean

Even though it is rainy season, it's not raining every day. Yesterday I noticed I could see further than I usually can. There was less haze on the horizon. I dug out our binoculars and surprise, I could actually see the ocean off in the distance. I managed to capture a couple of decent wide angle shots off the balcony but close up shots to share the ocean were very difficult to get. I even got out B's impressive camera but the largest zoom we brought was a 300. The sky was getting cloudier and cloudier quickly as I tried to get good photos. Here's a wide angle shot. Focus in on the white building with a dark roof off in the distance in about the middle of the photo.
Here's the best of the zoomed in shots of the area around that building.
Now, here's the hard part. You have to look closely but you can see the horizon line is ocean. And in between a couple of the buildings you can see what appears to be an island offshore.

I mentioned it is rainy season, right? This is the view when it's raining really hard. Notice that the photographer is not out on the balcony taking photos but safely behind closed doors shooting through the protective glass doors.  When we have really, really, really heavy rain I wonder, "Will I be able to see anything?"

A miscellaneous comment ( nothing to do with the weather):
We bought an Indonesian-English dictionary. While looking something up I came across the following entry
I don't know about the aloes wood or camphor tree, but the two of us combined being a fried cookie made of wheat flour sounds OK. I am now on the hunt for a package of something with that label.

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