Wednesday, May 20, 2015

McDonald's Drive Thru

I admit we have stopped at a couple of McDonald's establishments here since our arrival. In all cases we simply needed something to drink and there are so many McDonald's here they are readily available and much cheaper than getting a drink at Starbucks, for example.
Once again after visiting the gas station we were thirsty and the McDonald's was handy. Even though McDonald's delivers here, they still have a drive-thru. The sign says: Hungry but busy? Telephone McDelivery.
 We got a coke for each of us ( they don't sell diet at McDonald's here). As often happens in the US, the window lady handed us the wrong order: a bag of food and one drink. She really didn't want to listen that this wasn't our order but we managed to convince her and we got our 3 cokes and went on our way.

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